Thursday, August 04, 2005

The Republic of Alberta

Many (here and here) are in a knot concerning a Western Standard poll that reports that 36% of westerners would be in favour of forming their own country. While the methodology is questionable at best the underlying message is a little disconcerting.
The thing that Albertans keep on citing is that the federal government should give Alberta more power. Albertans may like this, but Alberta's politicians likely do not. More power means more responsiblity (the Spiderman axiom) and that would suck. Alberta's premier (and all other Premiers) have managed to dodge any real responsibility by simply spouting off "fiscal imbalance" at strategic times.
A good reason to devovle more powers to provincial governments is to force them to be actually accountable. I think the Premiers would find that they should have been careful of what they wished for.

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